Friday, September 26, 2008

Palin Power

Sarah Palin’s speech to the Republican National Convention was a grand slam for the Republican Party.  Not only was it an extremely well written speech, both clear and concise, it covered some extremely important questions that let the world know that Sarah Palin is a special candidate, one who is more than qualified for the job.  Everything about Palin, from her strong presence to what she represents as a person is a perfect match for McCain and the Republican party.  She is the perfect complement to McCain because in being a woman she represents something that McCain cannot.  The way Palin came off is so much different then the typical politician.  Her character is so strong that everything she says is extremely believable and I have faith that she will stay true to the ideologies she pledged to uphold during her speech.

 It is impossible to question the validity of Palin’s comments on some political issues.  Despite the fact that she has a son in the military, she remains an advocate of finishing the war in Iraq, a loud and clear statement regarding her beliefs.  Palin also led by example in her decision to keep her newborn baby boy after learning of his Down syndrome condition.  She could have chosen to get an abortion and nobody would have held it against her, but she stayed true to her pro-life beliefs.  A high caliber candidate like Palin who clearly leads by example, and not just through words, is a leader we can trust.

Sarah Palin has been governor of Alaska for a short time now, and she was relatively unknown on the political spectrum before being named Republican Vice Presidential Candidate.  For many people, Palin’s speech at the Republican National Convention was the first time seeing her speak publicly.  Naturally, people were curious as to the type of person Palin is.  The fact that she is a woman and relatively inexperienced makes her an even more surprising and interesting choice for Vice President.  For those Democrats who are quick to point this out as a fault, just look at Ronald Regan and FDR.  Ronald Regan was Governor of California before being elected President of the United States, and Sarah Palin has MORE political experience now then Regan had when he was elected President.  Regan went on to enjoy not only two successful terms in the Whitehouse, but one of the highest approval ratings for any President in the history of the United States. Regan also successfully dealt with the Soviet-threat during the Cold War, which is further proof that Palin has enough experience to handle anything Putin throws our way.  Furthermore, if you think Palin does not have enough experience then you are saying something about the Democratic Nominee Barack Obama, because Palin has more experience than he does. 

All of Palin’s polcies and rationale made perfect sense.  Even when she was bashing Obama, which she spent plenty of time doing, everything she said made you wonder why anyone would want to vote for him.  Although she spent a long time highlighting a few of Obama’s many faults, it was time well spent.  She pointed out Barack’s campaign flaws in a way that was constructive to the McCain campaign, proving that McCain is the best man for the United States Presidency.    She presented her personal job experience in a fashion that was easy to listen to and revealed a plethora of information regarding the quality of her character.  She made it clear that she is not out to please the critics who believe that a Vice Presidential candidate must be, “An established member of the Washington Elite.” She went on to state that her sole purpose of going to Washington is, “To serve the people of this great country (The United States of America).”

 Next, Palin talked about an important issue facing this great country, the oil and energy industries.  The current world oil situation is a very sensitive and dangerous issue.  Russia invaded Georgia in attempt to gain control of a crucial oil pipeline.  By gaining control of world’s energy resources, they would control a very powerful thing.  It is a new and different type of warfare that is pretty sneaky, but Russia is definitely on the move.  Then there is Iran, which controls one fifth of the world’s oil, who could choose to stop selling oil at any time, and that would be very bad for the United States.  It is for all of these reasons that it is especially important in today’s world that we, the United States of America, be independent from foreign oil supply.  An important step in achieving this goal of energy independence is to begin drilling in Alaska.  Palin made it clear that she and McCain realize the importance of this step, unlike Obama.  Palin also acknowledged that she knows this is not the entire solution, recognizing the need to develop alternative energy sources as an important step during our countries’ road to energy independence.

The fact that she made Obama look bad by summarizing his policies helped the Republican cause even more.  She did a great job of discrediting Obama and portraying him as a candidate who we cannot afford to have elected.  One example of how she did this was by saying, “that our opponent wants to pull out of the Middle East when victory is in sight.” Also, she highlighted the fact that Obama wants to raise taxes when taxes are already too high, and Obama wants to make government bigger when it is already too big.  Electing Obama would lead to a weaker America, something that America cannot afford with multiple dangerous foreign countries that definitely do not have our best interests in mind.

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