Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I'm going to try to make this quick because I am currently engaged in an intense battle with my computer.  It has been resistant to waking up recently (much like I am in the mornings) and I have work to do, so... while it's up and running and I'm copying things off of it, I figured now would be a good time to introduce myself.

My name is Jordan and I'm a sophomore film major from San Francisco. Er, close enough.  If you actually know the Bay Area I'll say I'm from Marin, but for the rest of you, San Francisco.  Don't worry it's fine, I don't think any less of you just because you don't know my area, and plus, I get to pretend I'm all cool and actually live in the city.

As I said, I'm a film major, but I'm also into mountain biking, fencing, and computers.  I really enjoy mountain biking, especially in my area up near SF, because there's tons of open space just a short ride away from my house.  It's easy access to a great natural gym with great views and fresh open air.  

I was on our high school fencing team for a few years, back in the day, as a team co-captain for my last year in fact, and I'm proud to say we won our one (1) match over the course of two years under my co-leadership.  There really aren't that many high school fencing teams...  or fencing in general, so I'm not actually pursuing it right now.  However, my fencing skills are still pretty sharp (pun semi-intended), so I should be just fine if challenged to an impromptu poke duel.

During the summers, I work at our local Apple Store as a Specialist, helping people pick out the right Mac or whatever they need, while also serving as the in house Final Cut Pro guru.  So if you know Final Cut, find me, we can chat.

That's pretty much me in a nutshell.  There's more, but you'll have to come up and talk to me if you want to know!  See you at 10!

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