Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Analysis on Orwell & Lamott

The first article I read was George Orwell's "Politics and English Language." As I was reading it, I realized that our English Language is continuing to collapse. Our language is becoming "ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish." I definitely agree with Orwell because our society is starting to become extremely lazy with our english language and writters don't care what our modern language used to be like. Orwell then gives us some examples what not to use when writing on the internet because it simply is pointless and it is not striaght to the facts. I believe that when you are scanning the web for resources, you only need the facts and not the other junk like metaphors and meaningless words. While, in a book you can have those extras in there because it all goes together in the book and makes it more interesting. Orwell provides six rules in which one should consider while writing. These rules will help your article that your writing to be more informative, detailed, and straight to the point.
While I was reading Lamott's passage in the book, I found myself in the same exact situations when I would start writing a paper. Its always a hastle to start off with a first draft because you knew that it was going to be a "shitty one." Then once you finish that part you have to go through it again to make sure you got all your mistakes corrected and you added some important things here and there. Lastly, you have your completed final draft and you feel great becuase you know you perfected it to the greatest of you ability and it has been a sugnificant accomplishment. I agree with Lamott, you have to start off somewhere even it takes some "shity" rough drafts, your final outcome will turn out to be a masterpiece.

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