Friday, August 29, 2008

George Orwell

The frustrated undertone of Orwell's essay "Politics and the English Language", is what really set it off for me. Orwell directly calls out what common society would call "smart people", and cuts them down at the knees. I find this to be so humorous and I firmly back this piece because all the verbage and long diction that modern day politicians and "over-thinkers" put in there works essentially is a long shot ploy to have the uneducated reader think the author is smarter than they truly are. I struggle often when reading these works and also struggle when trying to keep up with the standards of writing levels today. I simply write what comes to my head without really performing plastic surgery on words that could be made bigger or more intellectual sounding. This really modernized way of thinking where one must use big words when writing stems off our beginning years as writers. High School mainly establishes the fact we must put our essay's and literature on steroids if we want to even get close to being published or even recognized. Orwell really hits home with this essay and exploits this common flaw that is all too prevalent today.

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