Thursday, August 28, 2008

This isn't a "Shitty First Draft"

For the most part, I agree with the statements made in "Shitty First Drafts" except that I usually, and mistakenly, think that what I write the first time is pure gold. Only later, when rereading the assignment, at some other time that isn't two in the morning, do I realize that what I have written is trash. Don't get me wrong. There are bits and pieces that are decent, even worth salvaging. But overall, what I produce is usually incoherent, padded out, and grammatically an insult to the english language. Unfortunately, laziness has set of precedent of dominating my schoolwork. Therefore, most of the papers I have handed in have been this sort of "shitty first draft."

George Orwell's "Politics and the English Language" highlights several awful strategies in writing that, I have to admit, I am sometimes guilty of using. The example that I relate to the most was best stated when Orwell wrote, "A mass of Latin words falls upon the facts like soft snow, blurring the outline and covering up all the details." Too many times, I have been assigned a paper I don't care about and purposefully written just enough more than the minimum length to slip through the cracks and avoid further scrutiny that shorter papers may receive. 

In consideration of readers, the above statements are second drafts.

1 comment:

professorjfox said...

Thanks for the second draft. And nice quoting of the snow quote.